
Sun gives life

What if Moon sand could be used to create solar cells?

Fully automatic machine on sandy terrain intakes sand and creates solar cell“on the flow”. Then it connect every new element with previously created, building vast array of solar cells. All the energy is then stored in batteries located nearby.

The machine uses that energy for building new cells and cleaning, repairing old ones. It waits for batteries to charge and produces new cells as long as there is enough energy, and if all current cells are repaired and clean.

Once all the area provided for the machine is covered with solar cells, energy is forwarded to central network. The machine uses only small amount of energy to “keep cells clean”.

What if machine breaks down? What to do with redundant batteries arrays when all cells are built? And, by the way, how did that machine get there?

All these operation are performed by other machine of higher level - a “parent machine”! It distributes cell creating machines together with batteries containing initial charge and all other required materials. It also “comes to visit child” if it requires maintains or additional materials. After child finishes covering area with solar cells, parent comes to collect redundant batteries, and materials and connect child’s cells array to global power network.

Before developing or detailing this idea.. Is this possible? What is required to create the network?

First, there should be human spaceship, base or settlement where all the machines originate from (maybe produced right there - on the Moon using local resources). Second thing - advanced level of mechanics combined with advanced software (pseudo-A.I.). Then comes efficient and easily created solar cells, that could be produced using fully (or mostly) local Moon resources. Finally - capacitive, efficient batteries. Other things are just details.

Even more extreme fantasies

What if parent machines could search for resources, collect resources and produce child machines? And all of that could be done using only the energy produced by numerous arrays created by numerous child machines.

What if parent machines could rebuilt and upgrade them selves? The only required thing would be a software updates created by humans.

What if there would be fully automatic station producing parent machines, controlling them, providing software updates and new hardware configurations? It could be controlled by supercomputer with higher level A.I.

Maybe no human intervention would be required after some time? And than we would have a new life form!


Point of view

Let’s tune to right thinking before I continue with my posts. I suppose, that switching to a very abstract level of thinking allows to see thing more clear and be open not only for digesting new stuff, but also generating own curious ideas!

Some ages ago people used to think that Earth is flat, then they thought Sun and stars were object on, so called, celestial sphere spinning around the Earth and so on. Now we know that there are planets, stars, star clusters, galaxies, black holes and many more. But does this actually mean something for simple human?

Everyone is living his life, working, resting, sometimes spending time on hobbies, etc. And we forget and do not care about “global nature” - universe and our place in it. All our world is just us, our relatives, friends and colleagues and little spot where all mentioned action takes place. So everyone is a center of his own universe and this is the human nature.

But if You want to understand or just imagine real world in its all range and variety, forget about You everyday life, forget about Earth. Imagine sandy seashore and the ocean huge far as eye can see. Let’s say, this beach is a universe. Then Earth is one grain of sand or water drop. Human life on Earth is bit of a second on this imaginary beach. Position of Earth and all the Milky Way is probably a matter of Your foot movement on that sand, galaxy formation is mater of one wave washing the sand.

Globally, Earth and all life on it is nothing special in scales of universe. In fact, is it is nothing at all. If Earth disappears in a moment, it changes nothing. Maybe it would cause a slight gravitational shift in Solar system bodies positions and that’s it - Universe remains same as it was. So it is better to imagine that there is no Earth at all if You want to imagine, visualize something about space, time, universe.

Still it is hard or impossible task to realize real scale of thing beyond Earth, but lets at least try and forget egocentric worldview, as well as geocentric. In fact, exploring anything new and unknown require total abstraction, so let’s be open-minded and leave everyday life behind on the way to imagining processes that are happening in the universe now and that, I hope, excites You a lot!


Nobody knows anything about the real world

What is current level of human knowledge, technology, science? If we compare knowing nothing and total discovery of all.. Where we are now? Do we know much? Are we halfway? 

My physics teacher used to say, that the beauty of universe hides in the fact, that we will never come to absolute knowledge of all. Consider even more philosophical question. Maybe our physical form does not allow to look inside some things and there is no tool to access further than some limit? Maybe we are isolated from all world in our universe like embryo in an egg?

So, what if I tell You, that nobody knows anything about the real world. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? On one hand we, humans poses our technology, science, great achievements of all kinds, but on the other hand, we do not know anything about world that surrounding us. Don’t be hasty and let me explain what I mean.

First thing that I want to emphasise, is a problem that many people encounter when speaking, thinking about or imagining things like space, universe, physical processes - they (we) see it through a prism of everyday experience of surrounding environment. However, universe is not what we can see and feel, but just what it is. Seems obvious, but not quite clear. The point is that our senses lie, it’s like taking panoramic pictures with 0.1 MP camera - You see a view, but not the details.

Some would say, that it is not upon us, simple mortals to discover and understand the universe. Scientists are doing that. But no... The truth is that nobody knows what real world is, they only describe some simplest processes mathematically  in very narrow range of conditions, with lots of simplifications, assumptions. All the theories are rough simplifications! We use them because there is no need, nor technology to explore very details of things we currently use. In other words, a theory could be enough for certain applications. But it is not enough to state any theory to be final and pure for a phenomenon it describes.

Third and final for this time is a question - Have we seen everything? What if are still missing a lot of thing for the very simple reason: these thing are not present, not happening close enough to track them using present technology. Or, as I’ve mentioned before, we are somehow divided from remaining world (in space or time or other yet unknown dimension).

Why do I bother writing this stuff? Well, because it leads to very exciting conclusion - when You know nothing, then everything is possible! I was always very interested and excited about all kinds of science fiction, new technologies, future vision, so this blog is dedicated to all that stuff!